Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What is an Electronic Radon Detector?

!±8± What is an Electronic Radon Detector?

Most of us know what radon is. It is a naturally occurring radioactive gas, which is more common than you can imagine. It is invisible, and that is the reason why you cannot smell nor taste it. Nevertheless, it is the reason behind 20,000 deaths every year. The statistics can be verified and you can get to know if your house has an unsafe level of radon content in it.

Your first priority is to see whether your surroundings, which include your office and your home have radon presented in them. A thorough testing , done now allows you to fix the radon problem, if it is present, at ground level itself. You can utilize a number of Radon testing devices to ensure the safety of your home and office.

An electronic radon detector is also extremely useful for testing the radon level in your house. Charcoal testers are considered to be less efficient than electronic radon detectors. You can get plenty of varieties and different models of electronic radon detectors either in the market or online.

An electronic radon detector is going to give you an hourly reading; on the other hand there are the models, which can be customized to give you a seven-day reading. The usage you put your electronic detector model to as well as the strict following of the given rules can be conducive to your electronic detector working more efficiently.

One of these good electronic radon detector models is the Pro-Series 3 monitor. This is quite versatile and that is why it can be used at different locations. You are going to get a continuous, accurate as well as fast reading of the levels of radon in your testing area. This detector does not give you an hourly reading, but you are going to get the data for a week. This is going to be in the form of the radon level average found in the vicinity.

This particular kit can be used for long term as well as short term testing of radon. All you have to do is plug it into the wall socket, and view the gas levels whenever you want to. It is portable and extremely user-friendly. The gas level is measured in Pico Curies. You do not have to be an electronics expert to use this particular model. The assembly is already done on purchase. The data can be deleted so that the model is used at another location, whenever and wherever you want the reading to be done.

Radstar RS300 Continuous Radon gas monitor and detector comes under the category of heavy-duty electronic radon detector. This is the machine used by home inspectors, as well as professionals to check the radon level in your house. You are also going to get a written report by the inspector. You cannot tamper with this device. The motion sensors present in it are capable of giving you spot on results. You can even connect it to a laptop or to a computer through a USB cable.

The advantage of having an electronic Radon detector around is that you are going to save on lab fees, postal charges, and costs of testing kits. The kits might be rendered invalid when you send them to a lab. So buy this cost effective device for your home, now.

What is an Electronic Radon Detector?

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Indoor Air Quality and Your Basement

!±8± Indoor Air Quality and Your Basement

The movement to go green and conserve has gained momentum and attention to the point where the federal government is offering tax credits to homeowners and businesses that make improvements to their property using green products and reducing their carbon foot print. The idea of going green is not new, but technology and science have heightened awareness in our recent history.

In an effort to reduce our footprint, we are making improvements to our homes such as better roof ventilation, energy efficient windows and doors and higher efficiency HVAC and filtering systems. We have sealed our homes up tight to conserve energy and reduce utility costs, and shrink our footprint. These things are all good, but your home still has to breathe, and short of living in a bubble with some sort of Jules Verneian re-breathing unit, the air you breathe inside has to come from outside...and what is in it?

The use of electronic filters and air purifying systems can improve indoor air quality, but the fact remains that the impurities that exist are airborne until they are filtered and therefore still pose risk, and are you considering all of the sources of these impurities?

The "sleeping giant" in this initiative for better indoor air quality may well be your basement. It has been said, "There are two kinds of basements...those that leak, and those that will leak". Patching cracks and filling holes is an expected part of home-ownership, but few of us consider properly sealing the basement to keep what's out, out.

Weeping walls, leaking rod holes and standing water from foundation and footing shift allow moisture into the home, which increases humidity and spawns mold (which becomes airborne before being filtered) and greatly reduces indoor air quality (increasing health risks). An additional invisible culprit that affects the air you breathe in your home is radon gas. Radon is a naturally occurring gas created from soil decay. The amount of radon in the soil depends on geographic location, but it exists in all soil. It [Radon] is an odorless, colorless radioactive gas that is carcinogenic.

Properly sealing your basement is the first line of defense against mold, mildew and Radon gas. You can test your home (or have it tested) for radon gas, and there are products available to seal the gas out of your living space. Illinois based manufacturer Emecole, produces and distributes a variety of basement sealing products specifically designed for radon gas mitigation. You should find a qualified, licensed contractor in your area that can test and seal your basement.

If you are considering finishing your basement to gain living space, you should first "pre-finish" it by properly sealing it against moisture and gas infiltration. If you simply want to improve indoor air quality, don't ignore the basement. The cleaner the air coming in, the fewer the airborne impurities, the less your filters have to work, and the more you can breathe easy.

Indoor Air Quality and Your Basement

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Is Your Home Air Making You Sick?

!±8± Is Your Home Air Making You Sick?

While we worry about smog, worse pollution is closer to home. In fact it is in our homes.

As reporter Chandra Shikhar discovered, "more than three decades after the Clean Air Act, the air outdoors is much cleaner, even with many more people, cars and industries ... but indoor air is another matter."

"It is an insidious kind of poisoning of our lives," said former California state legislator, Fred Keeley who successfully fought for indoor air regulation. "Pollutants inside buildings vastly outnumber those outside", said Jed Waldman, who heads the Indoor Air Quality program at the California Department of Health Services.

Yet there's good news. You can take a few, powerfully simple steps to make the air inside your home - the one place you can control - better than the air outside. Here's to living healthier and longer with clean air at home.

Five Alarming Facts to Motivate You to Act

1. 50 percent of all illnesses are either caused or aggravated by poor indoor air quality.

2. Asthma is now the most common chronic disorder in childhood, affecting an estimated 6.2 million children in the U.S., according to the American Lung Association.

3. The EPA ranks poor indoor air quality as one of top five public health risks. (Asthma, allergies, and other breathing difficulties, lung and heart disease, headaches and dizziness.)

4. Americans spend nearly 90% of their time indoors.

5. Indoor air pollution can be two to fives times to sometimes 100 times higher than outdoor air pollution.

Who is Most Vulnerable to Dirty Air?

Those most at risk to polluted air at home:

o Infants and young children.

o People with asthma, allergies or other respiratory illnesses or who have heart or lung problems - especially those who also lead stressful lives.

o Elderly, most of whom have reduced lung capacity.

o Smokers and those who live with them.

o People who work at home.

o Those in colder climates who tend to stay inside even longer.

o People in urban areas.

o Those living in energy-efficient or other well-built homes that seal air inside.

Even Tidy, Conscientious People Get Sick From Their Home

Even if you use non-toxic products, clean regularly, have a HEPA vacuum cleaner and do not smoke, nor have asbestos or damp surfaces or use a fireplace or a wood stove, you are still vulnerable to the tiniest dust particles in your home - the respiratory suspended particulates (RSPs).

They become airborne from even slight actions such as walking on the carpet, sitting on a sofa or lifting a blanket. The particles are microbial air contaminants, ranging from bacteria and viruses to fungi and spores. They include pollens, spores, asbestos fibers, insect debris, food remnants, and pet dander.

What Makes RSPs So Dangerous to Your Health?

Size does matter. RSPs are so small that you can breathe them deep into your lungs. Multiple studies show they cause acute or chronic health effects. They enter the blood or lymph tissue and cause a host of respiratory problems. Those who are allergic to respirable particles succumb to a range of health problems, from allergic rhinitis to bronchial asthma.

Radon and benzo-a-pyrene (suspected carcinogenic agents) are transported by RSPs into the lungs.
Gases or other substances may also be carried by RSPs into the lungs.

Respiratory illness, especially chronic illnesses like bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma may be linked to, or aggravated by, exposure to RSPs.

Lung damage may be small yet it is cumulative. That is especially devastating for young children as the effect of the damage increasingly reduces lung capacity as they age.

Recent research shows that respiratory problems from RSPs and other air pollutants can also lead to heart problems.

It Gets Worse

These pollutants affect you more if you are sensitive to them or the longer you are exposed to them - for example, the amount of time you spend at home. Health dangers range from itchy eyes to allergic reactions to more dangerous effects such as a damaged immune systems, reduced lung capacity, heart difficulties and cancer.
Slightly larger particles, such as pollen, dander and house-dust allergens, don't penetrate your lungs as deeply, but they can cause debilitating allergic responses.

Consider Testing the Air Quality in Your Home

Consider getting a whole home air test, conducted by a certified indoor air consultant. Also consider testing how efficiently your HVAC system is working. Most are at about 58% efficiency. Some people simply buy a continuously high-performing, whole home air cleaning system for peace of mind. They want to feel secure that they are making the air healthy in the one place they can control - their home.

Now, here's to helping you make the smartest choice in a home air cleaner.

Choose the Most Efficient Air Cleaner for Your Home

You can get a whole home air cleaner if you have a forced air system, meaning you have a furnace or furnace and air conditioner. Then you already have a basic mechanical filter. That's your first, crude level of defense against air pollution.

These mechanical filters are typically made of a coarsely woven metal. They can only remove large particles of dirt and hair. Even that capacity is greatly reduced when the filters are not replaced regularly. Worse yet, these mechanical filters can't capture the tiny RSPs. If you do not have a forced-air system or want to consider a portable, room-only device, here's the basics you need to know.

Get a Portable Room-only Device or a Whole Home System?

The next step is to choose between a portable room-only cleaner and a whole home cleaner. Unfortunately, some don't have that choice. You can't get a whole home system if you do not have a forced-air home furnace or air conditioning system.

In considering portable devices you have two kinds: ones with mechanical filters or ionizers.

Mechanical Filter-Based Portable Air Devices

The best kind meet the HEPA (high efficiency particulate air filters) standard. That means they can capture 99.97 percent of the airborne particles 0.3 microns and larger that pass through the filter. These include tobacco smoke, household dust and pollen. Mechanical filters draw air through a flat, pleated or high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) surface to trap particles.

That design means HEPA filters can be efficient in the beginning yet tend to clog easily. Clogging reduces airflow and thus their ability, over time, to remove pollutants. Filters must be changed with some frequency to maintain HEPA-level efficiency. Not all if us remain that diligent, even if we intend to be.

"Gary McEldowney, the marketing director for, said the cost of a purifier could range from 0 to 0, depending on size and features. Replacement HEPA filters cost to 0." Other models are much more expensive.
Another obvious disadvantage is that a single room cleaner can't keep the rest of the air in your home clean. It can't even maintain the high HEPA standard in the room in which it is used, unless it runs continuously and the door and windows to the room are kept closed - an unlikely possibility.

This room-only approach is akin putting a bandaid on a wound.

Portable Room Ionizers

Ionizers emit a small charge to the air stream that cause particles to adhere to the filter or other surfaces by a magnetic-like attraction. But this is not efficient as particles can become re-suspended.

Worse yet, ionizing emits ozone, a lung irritant that is also linked to other health problems. It can have damaging health effects, especially for those with asthma and other lung diseases, children and the elderly.

According to Consumer Reports and the EPA, "While some indoor air pollutant concentrations decline in the presence of ozone, other pollutants increase. In fact, upon reaction with ozone, some previously undetected, toxic chemicals emerge in indoor air, including formaldehyde and other aldehydes." See the EPA's article, "Ozone Generators Sold as Air Cleaners."

To add insult to injury, the units make a zapping and other noise as they emit ozone. Also it requires time-consuming cleaning and frequent filter changes to maintain even a lower level of performance.

Your best option, if you cannot get a whole home air cleaner, is to get a portable, room-only device with a mechanical, HEPA-grade filter. If your home has a forced-air system you can get a whole home system. Now you'll see your options. The good news is that there are clear choices. You do not have to spend a lot of time nor money to get healthy air throughout your home.

How to Choose the Most Efficient Whole Home Air Cleaner

Whole home air cleaners can be placed in the ductwork of forced-air systems heating or air-conditioning (also known as in-duct air cleaners). "If you are using forced air for, the best way to clean the air in your house is to add a filtration module to your system," said Alex Wilson, president of BuildingGreen in Brattleboro, Vermont. As you'll read further down, however, you don't have to mess with the ducts, with a hybrid system. It can be retrofitted, that is bolted right onto your existing unit.

Here are the kinds of whole home air cleaners from which you can choose:

Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPS)

All electrostatic precipitators use electricity to charge particles passing through them and then attract them electrically (make them "stick") to either plates or a filter. As you compare systems consider these five key factors:

1. Performance over time: Efficiency goes down over time in some systems.

2. Maintenance: It is key to continuously high performance. Some systems are considerably more complex, messy and time-consuming - as are some filters. Even a diligent person can get tired of the upkeep and avoid doing it. Some systems require more frequent filter changes than others.

3. Ease and cost of installation.

4. Sound: Some systems create noise while others are quiet.

5. Ozone emission: Some cleaners emit ozone, the pollutant in smog. Ozone can cause lung damage and other health problems. It also creates noise as it arcs, sparks and pops.

Following are the categories of air cleaner systems, described in the order of increasing levels of air cleaning performance, maintenance needs and convenience.

1. Electrostatic Filters
This is the least expensive kind of filtering system, removing 90% of particles that are 0.3 microns or less. It requires frequent filter changes and, more importantly, performance goes down over time. One example is the Filtrete. Electrostatic units filter the air using static electricity. They have a static charge on the filter to allow airborne particles to "stick" to the filter, just like static-charged clothing sticks together. The drawbacks to these units are that they capture fewer RSP's and the filter needs to be replaced frequently

2. Conventional Electronic Air Cleaners

EACs charge particles and cause them to stick to plates inside the unit or to a filter. In this way they trap and filter up to 98% of pollutants from the air passing through your heating and cooling system. This kind of air cleaner can capture microscopic impurities like dust, smoke and smog particles in addition to larger particles like mold spores and cat dander.

Collected pollutants are removed by cleaning the plates in the sink or dishwasher. Some EAC's use grounded filters instead of plates but these require expensive replacements.

3. Hybrid Electronic Air Cleaner

A hybrid electronic air cleaner eliminates the need for wires (or pins) and plates. Instead it uses a non-metallic material to conduct the electricity and charge the RSP's. Thus you can avoid the messy and time-consuming cleaning that comes with metal-based EAC technology.

Then, it uses an inexpensive, recyclable but highly-efficient, loosely woven filter to capture the particles. This loose weave enables the unit to operate with low static pressure. Filters replacements are easier than with conventional EACs.

Once to twice a year, depending on amount of air pollution filters are changed. As a consequence of these innovations, consumers get the upside of a conventional EAC (high efficiency) without the downsides (higher maintenance, costlier and more invasive installation, ozone emission in some, etc.).

Plus, since this hybrid operates in a way that reduces system wear and tear and is easier to maintain, the initial high-performance is continuous. It does now go down over time.

One final thought. Winter is coming. Days are getting colder and shorter. You may be spending more time inside. Consider installing an air cleaner soon. It could be the priceless gift you can give yourself and those who share the holidays with you at home.

Is Your Home Air Making You Sick?

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

You Can't Trust Most Fireproof Safes to Protect Your Data and Photos on CDs Or Flash Drives

!±8± You Can't Trust Most Fireproof Safes to Protect Your Data and Photos on CDs Or Flash Drives

What's wrong with fireproof safes?

There's nothing really wrong with safe fireproof home. They are well designed to produce the card to reach a temperature to destroy or ruin the take. However, they will not prevent computer data is backed up on CD, DVD or flash drive does not actually destroyed. They do not protect even photos slides and negatives.

The problem is that we do not know how, fire retardant or fire resistant ratings, which are assignedSafes. There are three basic votes for fire safety by Underwriters Laboratories. If a safe is designed for 1 hour, then must maintain internal temperatures below the rating specified for the entire hour.

The safe must maintain the internal temperature below 350 degrees Celsius - UL 350 which is to burn below the normal temperature for most paper products, char, or unusable.

UL 150 is the rating for tapes, cassettes, microfiche and microfilm. In addition to maintainingthe interior at or below 150 degrees, humidity below 85%.

UL 125 is the standard for floppy disks. In this case, the temperature does not exceed 125 ° C and 80% humidity.Humidity and water damage is important if you want to protect electronic devices such as flash drives.

Test your media data

If you need a better assessment of your home or office fireproof doubt I'm sure to protect your data, you can try this simple test.

Looking for a couple of photos or negativesSlide and a print or two, you're not interested. Get two old CD or DVD with some data on them. Place a CD in Jewel Case.

Preheat your kitchen oven to 200 degrees, turn off, so that the elements will not turn on. Radiant heat may be larger and cause plastic to melt, even when the air temperature is 200 degrees. Place the CD is in the case of CD, CD and more on a piece of paper and place in oven. Wait a few minutes and you can use the CD in the ClockJewel Case curl. Obviously, the data will not be recovered from him. Remove the other CDs that will not bend. When it has cooled, you can put in your computer and see if the data is intact. Sometimes everything is going well.

Now heat the oven to 325 degrees. It is set to 350 when the oven thermostat is not correct. If the oven has reached the right temperature, turn it off. Put your photos, slides and negatives on a piece of paper. Change your CD in goodthe oven on a piece of paper.

You will find that a negative can be rolled up and destroyed almost immediately. The images are a little curl, and probably a little 'faded. The images will then flatten out again, but there is no hope for slides or negatives.

The CD remains flat, but the data will be gone. You'll probably be able to get bubbles in the plastic of the CD recording to see the page.


Here are three alternatives whenYou want your data protected.

Get support safe place. Protect your photos, slides, negatives, CDs and DVDs. As shown above, a UL 125 protection for your valuable data to test fire is evaluated from the heat and humidity to protect. During a normal fire-proof safe at home to protect the data content for a few minutes, the hood that the data are likely to secure more than 15 minutes is extremely low.

A safe place the advantages of the media:

The ability to rapidly secure a flash drive and immediatelyStore their data every night after making a backup. The data is if you have access to the Internet. You do not need any monthly or annual tickets that you booked.

Disadvantage of a safe fireproof media:

The main disadvantage of a secure media is cost. They are not cheap.

Use an online backup system. This is a very effective way to ensure that data is safe. Well, sure as can be expected to continue to use a different companyTheir data. If you do not have much data, you can find free services on the web.

The advantages of online backup:

The information is stored in a completely different place. In many cases, you can encrypt data for added security.


You may need to use special software. Software changes over time and to do such encryption methods. You can find your data conversion, or even move when a company's operations. There are no annual fees, ifThey have a lot of data and that requires more time than a support safe place. You may not buy some DVD software online. Often need the original DVD to install the software. Upload nightly backup to the Internet is not as fast as saving to a flash drive.

Renting a safe deposit box at your bank.

Security advantages:

You have the maximum protection. Do you have offsite data backup.

Disadvantages of a securitySafe:

Limited access to data. There when you need it and you can not back up every night. Lockers are really small. You can get a lot of data on DVD, but can not be a lot of slides and negatives. The cost for a safe change significantly, but it will also cost more over time as a support safe place.


Assess your situation. If you are not a lot of online backup data then can be the best option. If you have a lot of data andThey have purchased several software packages, so the best option is a home office or media fireproof safe. What do you do, do not get caught with a fire in your home or office and find that you have lost your information.

You Can't Trust Most Fireproof Safes to Protect Your Data and Photos on CDs Or Flash Drives

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Friday, September 16, 2011

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

The precautionary principle - a realistic solution to mobile phone radiation?

!±8± The precautionary principle - a realistic solution to mobile phone radiation?

The September 14, 2009, the U.S. Senate called for hearings on the health effects of mobile phones. Among those who testified was Dr. John Bucher, deputy director of the National Toxicology Program of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. He said: "There are some indications recently that there is an increase of brain tumors in people who have used these devices, cellular communication for a number of years."

Dr. Bucher Agency is funding a largeGreat experiment - but not for humans - in rodents. These animals are the type of exposure that people will be given to the use of mobile phones. Unfortunately, the results will not be in the year 2013. It will be too late?

Another expert testified that it was Dr. Siegal Sadetzki, MD. She is the director of the Cancer Epidemiology Unit and radiation, Gertner Institute in Israel. Dr. Sadetzki has recently published the results of a study, in which she and her colleagues have found a correlation between cellThe cell phone use and cancer. According to this study are those that often develop more frequently on the phone on a particular part of the head 50% as non-mobile users to have a tumor in his salivary gland on the side of the head.

In his testimony, said, "What worried me was that in my office, I saw the results are always positive, and seemed to always know where it is biological plausibility." These results have appeared on the same side of the head where the phone was held, appearedheavy users, and have appeared in rural areas than in urban areas where it is expected cancer cases phone may be higher. Dr. Sadetzki concluded her speech by consulting the "precautionary principle".

Senator Arlen Specter, D-Pennsylvania, has agreed to "Precautions are not a bad idea," he said.

In terms of mobile phone use, the precautionary principle suggests that practices such as using a headset instead of a wired headset, and instead allows the speaker functionContinue to hold the phone to your ear. Moreover, instead of storing the phone in your pocket, hold the phone away from the body between calls. Paramount, the precautionary principle is to limit the use of mobile phones, if possible. Make fewer calls and make shorter. Choose a cell phone with less radiation and limit children's use of the cells because their brain cells may be more sensitive to the effects of radiation from mobile phones.

The precautionary principle has good intentions.However, the same as telling a smoker that smoking can be dangerous and should not smoke cigarettes. Now we know that smoking is dangerous, but will not turn on people.

Mobile phones and other handheld devices are rapidly becoming a part of our culture. Cell phones are everywhere. They are used by 87 percent of Americans and more than 4 billion people around the world. Students in high school and elementary school children even now with mobile phones totalk to each other, and text messaging has become a social norm. We are addicted to mobile phones.

If you're worried about radiation from mobile phones, if you believe that the precautionary principle is not enough or simply impractical for you or your family, there are more tips on how to protect themselves.

New technologies are emerging that given by the electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from mobile phones and other electronic devices shield. Some chips may be connected to cell phones andCountering the ears, the EMR, and special paint on your walls can be coated creeps into your EMR from nearby homes limit. These shields can help you if you stay behind them. Those who wander how developed for conducting special bands, clothes, hats, gloves and supporters to protect the wearer from EMR and radio frequencies.

However, if a climate of increasing EMR is becoming the rule, do not we owe it to ourselves as a kind of sense, not just the skinEMR, but they adapt? It 'can take responsibility for our evolution and gradually become more immune against electromagnetic radiation on the rise?

A recent discovery in the field of energy medicine, has developed a natural remedy, suggests this is possible. Strengthening the vital natural energy field around your body and every cell is present, this drug increases the body's natural resistance against electromagnetic radiation, and helps the cellsadapt in order to build strength there, and also the development of natural immunity to it.

For those of us who simply can not live without our mobile phones, mobile phones and who need practical precautions, when possible, but we feel a little 'more, there are ways to protect and shield. Now there is also the possibility to adapt, develop and ensure our survival through the 21 Century.

The precautionary principle - a realistic solution to mobile phone radiation?

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

What's On Tap?

!±8± What's On Tap?

The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Environmental Action organization, recently conducted a detailed study of drinking water quality in the United States. Review of drinking water quality in 19 major U.S. cities, including Los Angeles, collected their results and made them available to the public in June 2003. 11 pollutants were recognized as "strong concern" or "some concern" for the Los Angeles area water supply. Since much of Los Angeles andOrange County drinking water comes from the same two sources, the Colorado River and Northern California, this information should reflect the cost of living in the region of Orange County.

Five contaminants fell under the "high concern" category, including lead, perchlorate, radon, haloacetic acids (Haas) and total trihalomethanes (TTHMs).


Lead is a heavy metal that is usually supplied in drinking water through corrosion of pipes, ducts and piping. Often, the leadershipThe water levels in the home are much higher than the level of the water source. This is usually the result of contamination, which can be home with you will occur due to old or corroded pipes. The national standard (NS) for lead, as determined by the EPA, is 15 ppb.

Health effects: infants, children and pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of lead. In severe cases, poisoning can cause permanent brain damage and, in less severe cases maysuffering of children in decreased intelligence and problems with growth, development and behavior. In adults, lead can increase blood pressure, renal function damage the nervous system and damage red blood cells.


Perchlorate in water usually comes from rocket fuel spills or leaks at military facilities. In addition, perchlorate in a variety of products and applications, including electronic tubes, airbags, leather tanning and usedFireworks. NS is 4 ppb, but no amount has been determined to be safe.

Health Effects: Perchlorate interferes with thyroid function and is suspected of causing cancer. Changes in thyroid hormones in thyroid cancers lead. In children, thyroid disorders affect the proper development and in adults can interfere with the regulation of metabolism. Interruption of the thyroid in pregnant women can affect the fetus and cause a lack of development and decreased learningSkills.


Radon is a radioactive gas that comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in the ground. The NS is an average of 300 pCi / L.

Health Effects: Radon is known to cause lung cancer. No level is considered safe and a single particle of radon can cause cancer. The EPA estimates that radon in drinking water about 168 deaths from lung cancer and stomach cancer each year (89% from lung cancer caused by breathing radon released due to indoor airWater, 11% of stomach cancer from consuming water that contains radon causes). Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, after smoking.

Haloacetic acids (Haas) / Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs)

Haas and TTHMs are often contaminated as volatile disinfection by-products or organochlorines and result when chlorine to drinking water interacts with organic substances in water to disinfect used in this document. The EPA has classified some TTHMs as probable for the peopleCarcinogens. NS Haas is an average of 60 ppb for TTHMs, an average of 80 ppb.

Effects on health: disinfection byproducts are cancer of the bladder, pancreas, colon, rectum, was carried to the brain and leukemia in children associated.

The following six contaminants fell under the category of "concern":


Cryptosporidium is a parasite that lives and multiplies water to millions of animals and the human intestine, until it is eliminated in feces.It is the NS-0.

Cryptosporidium can cause severe diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps and fever up to 2 weeks: impact on health. Currently there are no antibiotics that kill the parasite can. This is a serious risk to health for children and people with weakened immune systems.

Total coliform bacteria (TCM)

TCM is a broad class of bacteria, many of whom live in the intestines of humans and animals. Most coliform bacteria are harmless, but their presence indicates thatThe water may contain harmful bacteria such as E. coli. NS for TCM is 0.


Arsenic in drinking water, which is the mining, industrial processes, the past use of arsenic containing pesticides infiltration and erosion of natural rock. Currently, NS for arsenic is 50 ppb, but is 10 ppb in 2006 to be lowered.

Health Effects: Arsenic is toxic to humans and a known carcinogen. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has determined that arsenic in drinking waterknown to cause skin cancer bladder and lungs. He noted a report published in the NAS 2001, that a person who has 2 liters of water a day (with 10 ppb arsenic) drinks, for a total fatal cancer risk of life greater than 1 to 333


Chromium is a naturally occurring metal in industrial processes, including chrome bumpers used for plating and stainless steel, paint, rubber and wood preservatives. NS for chromium is 100 ppb.

Health Effects: ChromiumIngestion may cause damage to a number of health problems, ranging form skin irritation of tissue of the liver, kidneys and nerves.

Gross alpha radiation (GAR) / gross beta radiation (GBR
GAR and GBR usually by the decay of radioactive minerals in underground rocks, and lead are often under-mining and nuclear industries. The NS for GAR is an average of 15 pCi / L and for GBR, an average of 50 pCi / L.

Health Effects: No reduction of exposure to GAR and GBR is consideredsafe because it is radioactive and can cause cancer.


Uranium is released from the minerals in the soil, often because of mines or as a byproduct of the nuclear industry. NS uranium is 30 micrograms / L.

Health effects: uranium is radioactive and carcinogenic effect of known ingestion. The EPA has determined that it has caused serious kidney damage at levels above 300 mcg / l.

While Orange County has strict rules on drinking water quality,You should know what comes from your tap. The EPA established national standards are determined, the highest level of pollutants in the water allowed. NRDC believes, however, that it is safe at all levels of these contaminants.

What can you do? The first contact with the EPA for a list of nationally recognized laboratory capable of testing the water in your home. Understanding what may be in your tap water will help you determine what type of filtration system is right for you.Your water standards should be higher than the EPA to ensure the safety of your family.

When choosing a water filtration system, I recommend a unit that also regulates the pH of your water. Proper pH can further protect you from contaminants that are in contact and perhaps even ward of illnesses and infections.

A list of nationally recognized laboratories, call the EPA toll-free 800-426-4791 or go online to ARead the full report of the NRDC, please visit

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Safety Siren Pro Series HS71512 3 Radon Gas Detector

!±8± Safety Siren Pro Series HS71512 3 Radon Gas Detector

Brand : Pro Series | Rate : | Price : $125.00
Post Date : Aug 02, 2011 11:49:05 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Digital Continuous Radon Gas Monitoring with Home Radon Alarm Protect your family from lung cancer from radon gas exposure with the only EPA evaluated radon gas alarm, the Safety Siren Pro 3 Electronic Radon Gas Detector from Family Safety Products. As seen on TV, this is not like a single use radon test detection kit: this digital radon gas monitor for home testing is a continuous radon tester that performs continuous radon gas monitoring. The clear, easily read digital radon level display shows short-term radon levels as well as long-term radon level averages. The Safety Siren electronic radon monitor gives its first radon reading after 48 hours of radon gas sampling. Radon gas in air or water is a health hazard resulting from uranium breaking down in soil. Exposure to radon can cause lung cancer. Continuous home radon monitoring is recommended in high radon areas or when radon mitigation systems are used. Radon gas levels change according to humidity and season. See in.Radon Facts in. below the radon monitor information. Family Safety Products' Electronic Radon Meter Features: USA EPA Evaluated. Not for sale to residents of the State of Iowa nor for shipment to Iowa residents per Iowa Department of Public Health Rules, Chapters 43 (136B). Please contact the Iowa Department of Public Health at (515) 281-7689 for further information. Numeric LED radon gas detection level display range: .1 to 999.9 in pCi/L. Short and long term readings. Short-term readings: 7 day radon average. Long-term readings: radon averages since powered-up or last reset. 5-year maximum. Audible alarm if short or long-term radon gas averages are 4 pCi/L or greater. Continuously samples air . Display updates hourly. Failsafe self test: every 24 hours. Error code displays if test fails. 4 function menu button Green LED illuminates next to S (short-term) or L (long-term) display. User can manually test detector operation. Button to mute or reactivate audible alarm when unit is in alarm.

  • Meets US EPA performance criteria
  • Has a numeric LED display screen
  • Short-term and long-term readings
  • Updates air samples every hour
  • Conducts a self-test every 24 hours

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Professional Radon Gas TRIPLE Canister Test Kit FOR NJ RESIDENTS

!±8±Professional Radon Gas TRIPLE Canister Test Kit FOR NJ RESIDENTS

Brand : Radon Kit - Triple Canister FOR NJ ONLY
Rate :
Price : $89.00
Post Date : Jul 28, 2011 10:44:53
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Radon Is a Cancer-Causing, Radioactive Gas: You cannot see, smell, or taste radon. But it still may be a problem in your home. When you breathe air containing radon, you increase your risk of getting lung cancer. In fact, the Surgeon General of the United States has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high. National Academy of Sciences Report on Radon: In February 1998, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) released its report on radon and lung cancer, The Health Effects of Exposure to Indoor Radon (the BEIR VI report). The NAS is an independent, non-governmental, scientific organization. The NAS estimates that radon causes between 15,000 and 22,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the United States and that 12 percent of all lung cancer deaths are linked to radon. After smoking, radon is the second leading cause of death due to lung cancer in the United States. You Should Test for Radon: Testing is the only way to find out your home's radon levels. EPA and the Surgeon General recommend testing all homes for radon. You Can Fix a Radon Problem: If you find that you have high radon levels, there are ways to fix a radon problem. Even very high levels can be reduced to acceptable levels. If You Are Selling a Home... EPA recommends that you test your home before putting it on the market and, if necessary, lower your radon levels. Save the test results and all information you have about steps that were taken to fix any problems. This could be a positive selling point. If You Are Buying a Home... EPA recommends that you know what the indoor radon level is in any home you consider buying. Ask the seller for their radon test results. If the home has a radon-reduction system, ask the seller for information they have about the system. If the home has not yet been tested, you should have the housed tested.

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