The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Environmental Action organization, recently conducted a detailed study of drinking water quality in the United States. Review of drinking water quality in 19 major U.S. cities, including Los Angeles, collected their results and made them available to the public in June 2003. 11 pollutants were recognized as "strong concern" or "some concern" for the Los Angeles area water supply. Since much of Los Angeles andOrange County drinking water comes from the same two sources, the Colorado River and Northern California, this information should reflect the cost of living in the region of Orange County.
Five contaminants fell under the "high concern" category, including lead, perchlorate, radon, haloacetic acids (Haas) and total trihalomethanes (TTHMs).
Lead is a heavy metal that is usually supplied in drinking water through corrosion of pipes, ducts and piping. Often, the leadershipThe water levels in the home are much higher than the level of the water source. This is usually the result of contamination, which can be home with you will occur due to old or corroded pipes. The national standard (NS) for lead, as determined by the EPA, is 15 ppb.
Health effects: infants, children and pregnant women are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of lead. In severe cases, poisoning can cause permanent brain damage and, in less severe cases maysuffering of children in decreased intelligence and problems with growth, development and behavior. In adults, lead can increase blood pressure, renal function damage the nervous system and damage red blood cells.
Perchlorate in water usually comes from rocket fuel spills or leaks at military facilities. In addition, perchlorate in a variety of products and applications, including electronic tubes, airbags, leather tanning and usedFireworks. NS is 4 ppb, but no amount has been determined to be safe.
Health Effects: Perchlorate interferes with thyroid function and is suspected of causing cancer. Changes in thyroid hormones in thyroid cancers lead. In children, thyroid disorders affect the proper development and in adults can interfere with the regulation of metabolism. Interruption of the thyroid in pregnant women can affect the fetus and cause a lack of development and decreased learningSkills.
Radon is a radioactive gas that comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in the ground. The NS is an average of 300 pCi / L.
Health Effects: Radon is known to cause lung cancer. No level is considered safe and a single particle of radon can cause cancer. The EPA estimates that radon in drinking water about 168 deaths from lung cancer and stomach cancer each year (89% from lung cancer caused by breathing radon released due to indoor airWater, 11% of stomach cancer from consuming water that contains radon causes). Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, after smoking.
Haloacetic acids (Haas) / Total Trihalomethanes (TTHMs)
Haas and TTHMs are often contaminated as volatile disinfection by-products or organochlorines and result when chlorine to drinking water interacts with organic substances in water to disinfect used in this document. The EPA has classified some TTHMs as probable for the peopleCarcinogens. NS Haas is an average of 60 ppb for TTHMs, an average of 80 ppb.
Effects on health: disinfection byproducts are cancer of the bladder, pancreas, colon, rectum, was carried to the brain and leukemia in children associated.
The following six contaminants fell under the category of "concern":
Cryptosporidium is a parasite that lives and multiplies water to millions of animals and the human intestine, until it is eliminated in feces.It is the NS-0.
Cryptosporidium can cause severe diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps and fever up to 2 weeks: impact on health. Currently there are no antibiotics that kill the parasite can. This is a serious risk to health for children and people with weakened immune systems.
Total coliform bacteria (TCM)
TCM is a broad class of bacteria, many of whom live in the intestines of humans and animals. Most coliform bacteria are harmless, but their presence indicates thatThe water may contain harmful bacteria such as E. coli. NS for TCM is 0.
Arsenic in drinking water, which is the mining, industrial processes, the past use of arsenic containing pesticides infiltration and erosion of natural rock. Currently, NS for arsenic is 50 ppb, but is 10 ppb in 2006 to be lowered.
Health Effects: Arsenic is toxic to humans and a known carcinogen. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has determined that arsenic in drinking waterknown to cause skin cancer bladder and lungs. He noted a report published in the NAS 2001, that a person who has 2 liters of water a day (with 10 ppb arsenic) drinks, for a total fatal cancer risk of life greater than 1 to 333
Chromium is a naturally occurring metal in industrial processes, including chrome bumpers used for plating and stainless steel, paint, rubber and wood preservatives. NS for chromium is 100 ppb.
Health Effects: ChromiumIngestion may cause damage to a number of health problems, ranging form skin irritation of tissue of the liver, kidneys and nerves.
Gross alpha radiation (GAR) / gross beta radiation (GBR
GAR and GBR usually by the decay of radioactive minerals in underground rocks, and lead are often under-mining and nuclear industries. The NS for GAR is an average of 15 pCi / L and for GBR, an average of 50 pCi / L.
Health Effects: No reduction of exposure to GAR and GBR is consideredsafe because it is radioactive and can cause cancer.
Uranium is released from the minerals in the soil, often because of mines or as a byproduct of the nuclear industry. NS uranium is 30 micrograms / L.
Health effects: uranium is radioactive and carcinogenic effect of known ingestion. The EPA has determined that it has caused serious kidney damage at levels above 300 mcg / l.
While Orange County has strict rules on drinking water quality,You should know what comes from your tap. The EPA established national standards are determined, the highest level of pollutants in the water allowed. NRDC believes, however, that it is safe at all levels of these contaminants.
What can you do? The first contact with the EPA for a list of nationally recognized laboratory capable of testing the water in your home. Understanding what may be in your tap water will help you determine what type of filtration system is right for you.Your water standards should be higher than the EPA to ensure the safety of your family.
When choosing a water filtration system, I recommend a unit that also regulates the pH of your water. Proper pH can further protect you from contaminants that are in contact and perhaps even ward of illnesses and infections.
A list of nationally recognized laboratories, call the EPA toll-free 800-426-4791 or go online to ARead the full report of the NRDC, please visit
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